Senast uppdaterad: 18-05-23. Version 1.0.0

Terms of use – The Skolon Platform

Skolon AB
Reg. no. 556958-4120
Pirgatan 13, 374 35 Karlshamn, Sweden

What is the Skolon platform?

The Skolon platform is provided by Skolon AB, corporate identity no 556958-4120, (”Skolon”) and is a digital distribution channel and platform for IT-applications and services for the benefit of organisations conducting education/school activities (“Schools”). Through the Skolon platform, connected Schools are able to purchase/subscribe for licenses for software and/or services provided by external suppliers through the Skolon platform (”External Applications”). Purchase/licensing agreements for External Applications are always concluded directly between the supplier of External Applications and the School. External Applications may be either cloud based, mobile based or downloadable.

Your School has signed a principal agreement with Skolon for you as end user

Your School (or the municipality go which the School belongs) has signed a principal agreement with Skolon governing your School’s and its end-users’ access and use of the Skolon platform. You are considered an end-user and these terms (the ”Terms of Use”) are governing your access and use of the Skolon platform, including External Applications. Additional terms or conditions for your use may have been announced by your School, and, in relation to your use of External Applications, its suppliers. By agreeing to these Terms of Use and/or your use of the Skolon platform, you approve and accept to be bound by the Terms of Use. Please read the Terms of Use carefully before accepting them. If you are under 18 years of age parent’s approval is required before using the Skolon platform.

Change of the Terms of Use

Skolon reserves the right to change the Terms of Use from time to time. You will be notified on significant changes to the terms in reasonable time before they enter into force. You are responsible for keeping yourself updated on the Terms of Use and considered to have accepted changes made, regardless of notification thereupon or not, to the Terms of Use by continued use of the Skolon platform.

What you are not allowed to do, when using the Skolon platform

As a user, you are responsible for that your use of the Skolon platform is not in violation of any applicable laws and regulations or the Terms of Use. You may not, by yourself or through another person, copy, re-create, sell, lease, sub-license, assign/file share, edit or in any other way distribute or adapt the Skolon platform, External Applications or the content therein. You may not breach, circumvent, delete or affect the technology and the security systems used by Skolon to protect the Skolon platform and its content. You may not take any action to disable, overload, impair, harm or in any other way cause damage to the Skolon platform or Skolon.

Your login details are valuables

Your login details to the Skolon platform are valuable documents/information and you are responsible to store them in a safe way to avoid unauthorized disclosure and login.

You must respect the intellectual property rights

All intellectual property rights to the Skolon platform, the content of the Skolon platform and the underlying program code belong to Skolon. You undertake to respect the intellectual property rights of Skolon and only use the property according to the Terms of Use.

You may be suspended if the Terms of Use are not respected

If you violate any provision of the Terms of Use or in other way abuse your access to the Skolon platform, your School and Skolon respectively, is entitled to deactivate your account. Skolon is also entitled to automatically block your account in case of confirmed urgent security breach. An urgent security breach is considered to exist if 1) your or your School’s use of the Skolon platform constitutes an immediate security risk to the Skolon platform and/or others’ use of the Skolon platform or Skolon’s network or the servers used to provide the Skolon platform; or 2) a third party has been given inappropriate access to the Skolon platform.

Validity and termination

The Terms of Use start to apply by your approval of the Terms of Use and/or your use of the Skolon platform and are valid as long as you your account is active. Your account (and thereby your access to the Skolon Platform) shall cease (and be deactivated) upon the termination of the principal agreement between your School and Skolon. Your School may further deactivate your account at any time.

Limitation of liability

The use of the Skolon platform is at your own risk and liability. Skolon is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage (including but not limited to loss of data, interruption in service, machine error or economical loss) arising due to use or inability to use the Skolon platform and/or External Application or because of errors and defects in the Skolon platform and/or External Application.

Information on processing of your personal data

The personal data that you and your School have provided upon registration of your Skolon platform account, will be used for the purposes of administration and provision of the Skolon platform and those External Applications that you use in or access from the Skolon platform. Your School is the controller of the processing of your personal data within the Skolon platform. Skolon is the provider of the Skolon platform and we act as your School’s processor with regard to the provision of the Skolon platform. Your School will provide you with additional information regarding the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact your School. In connection with your approval of the Terms of Use, you will also be given the opportunity to give your consent to the processing of your personal data within the Skolon platform. Additional consents may be required with respect to External Applications and will be asked for when you download or use the External Application for the first time. Within the Skolon platform, you are able to obtain information on the personal data that each External Application has access to through the Skolon platform. You are entitled to withdraw your consent(s) at any time, however in such case you may not be able to use the Skolon platform and/or the External Application. By logging in to your user account, you are able to rectify any inaccurate personal data and erase personal data relating to you. You may also contact your School if you need any assistance in taking such actions or if you are not able to take such measures through your user account. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you also have the right to obtain from your School (as controller) information on what personal data concerning you are being processed and you may also access the personal data and obtain further information on the processing of your personal data.

Contact your School in case of questions or support

If you have any questions concerning the processing of your personal data in the Skolon platform or other use of (or issues with) the Skolon platform, please contact your School.