Release notes November 2024

Throughout November, our development team has been working with implementing a variety of updates to our platform. Below, you’ll find a selection of some of the new features and improvements released over the past month.
- Improvements of graphical user interface
- Improvements of performance
- New Feature: Assign template to all students and/or all staff.
- When a schooladmin assigns templates they now also have the possibility to assign the template to
- all administrators on the school
- all staff on the school
- all student on the school
- if all administrators/staff/students are selected it will automatically apply to new users at the school.
- When a schooladmin assigns templates they now also have the possibility to assign the template to
- Minor updates for support article in schooladmin

More information or contact?
Questions or concerns about our any release notes? Contact us here.
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Throughout November, our development team has been working with implementing a variety of updates to our platform. Below, you’ll find a selection of some of the new features and improvements released over the past month.
- Improvements of graphical user interface
- Improvements of performance
- New Feature: Assign template to all students and/or all staff.
- When a schooladmin assigns templates they now also have the possibility to assign the template to
- all administrators on the school
- all staff on the school
- all student on the school
- if all administrators/staff/students are selected it will automatically apply to new users at the school.
- When a schooladmin assigns templates they now also have the possibility to assign the template to
- Minor updates for support article in schooladmin

More information or contact?
Questions or concerns about our any release notes? Contact us here.
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