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All tools in one place for teachers and students

Give teachers and students equal access and a simpler digital everyday life by bringing together all your digital tools and resources in one place.

Get started in 10 seconds

A smart, personal collection

Skolon gives teachers and students a personal collection for all their digital tools – in other words, all their resources. “My Apps” makes it easy to search for, sort and organize tools, and the tools shown are the ones that each individual has access to. Click on a tool and it launches immediately – working digitally at school has never been easier.

The perfect starting point

Widgets bring even more out of your tools

Widgets are small, but powerful digital helpers. With the aid of widgets, teachers and students can find information and reach different functions in an even smarter way. A better overview of the daily assignments and to do’s – directly in “My apps”.

Overview of all tools

All your digital tools in one place

Skolon brings together all your digital tools, so they’re ready for teachers and students to use in just a few clicks. It’s also easy to add your own links for all students or selected classes, so all the digital resources used by the school can be found in one place.

A powerful search function

Find the right materials for each occasion

With a whole host of indexed tools and our powerful search function, users can browse all materials with a single search, making it easy to find exactly the right material for each occasion. Smart deep links make it easy to share information with students with a single click.

Always just one click away

Built-in navigation via the Skolon button

Our navigation structure makes it easy to access all your tools in “My Collection” with a single click, no matter where the user is. The Skolon button is built into most tools, and with ready-to-use integrations with the most popular web browsers, the next tool is always just a click away. Thanks to our powerful API, you can also make “My Collection” available in whichever systems the school wants to use.

It’s all there

A complete overview for teachers

No more mess. With Skolon, teachers get a complete overview of the tools available for students in the classes they teach. Who has access to what? From now on, it’s crystal clear.

One step ahead

New data insights to improve learning

In the teacher room you can get a comprehensive overview of students’ study habits based on the usage of educational tools – see which tools are used by whom and when to improve the planing and the support to the individual student.

Do you want to find out more?

Get started with Skolon today!

Join hundreds of thousands of teachers and students, and get started with Skolon to bring all your digital tools and resources together in one place.