More than 750,000 users

All your school’s digital tools and licences in one place – with just one login.
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What others say about Skolon

Hear some of our users talk about their experiences of using Skolon:

“Skolon helps us manage single sign-on, license management, school-level overview, and as the governing body, automatic user account synchronization and data security. Our digital resources have become more accessible and are being used more extensively.”

Elizabeth, Development Manager ICT

“Skolon’s vision for ease of access for all users really aligns with our drive of any device, any time, any place. Allowing all of our customers from primary school students to the CEO access to the learning environment on any device means equity of access for all.”

Natasha, Training Director

“Collaboration and ease of access is a huge part of how we utilise our digital platform. This is where Skolon seamlessly integrates with that usage. We are able to share those important links with Staff and Students alike and the click of a button.”

John, Director of Digital Strategy
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Do you want to find out more about working smart and digitally with Skolon at your school, or try out the platform for free? Join hundreds of thousands of teachers and students, and get started with Skolon to bring all your digital tools and resources together in one place.