
Connect your digital ecosystem

Our ready-made integrations with Google, Microsoft, Apple, popular learning platforms, and SIS systems such as Arbor, SIMS, and Bromcom, aimed at making day-to-day tasks easier for teachers and pupils.

Always in sync

Roster data directly from your Student Information System (SIS)

Skolon allows for a secure data sync with each individual digital resource, and it’s also easy to sync data to Skolon from one or more source data systems at the same time. Thanks to our integration modules for the most common school administration systems and AD solutions, setting up a sync with Skolon is quick and secure.

Arbor, SIMS & Bromcom

Learning management system

Automagically accessible in your LMS

Integrations to learning platforms make tools in Skolon automagically accessible, directly in your LMS. Go from an assignment or planning straight to a tool without logging in again, and create deep links directly to educational planning. This makes teachers’ and students’ day-to-day work easier and your LMS more powerful. What’s more, your integration costs will be much lower!

Google, Microsoft & Apple

Where your users already are

With ready-made integrations to Google G Suite for Education, Microsoft 365 and Teams, as well as Apple and Apple School Manager, your school’s digital resources and tools are available where your users already are.

Flexibility as standard

Open and modern APIs

The Skolon platform is based on modern standards, and open APIs are included for all customers. This makes it easy to adapt the platform to your own IT environment, create your own integrations and work flexibly.

Discover Skolon

Enhance your digital delivery today!

Join hundreds of thousands of teachers and students, and get started with Skolon to bring all your digital tools and resources together in one place.