Our platform

Easy and safe digital learning for everyone

Skolon gathers all of the school’s digital educational tools, teaching materials, and services and makes them work smoothly and securely together for management, teachers, and students. Digital learning has never been easier!

Find what you need

All tools in one place for teachers and students

Give teachers and students equal access and a simpler digital everyday life by bringing together all your digital tools and resources in one place.

Equal access for everyone

Single sign-on and data sync

A powerful platform with a range of unique functions for managing SSO and data syncs in a secure and automated way, ensuring equal access for everyone. With Skolon Pass and our QR codes, you can provide your pupils with the easiest login experience possible.

Familiar favourites and exciting new tools

Skolon’s library

We bring together the best digital resources and tools, and ensure that they work in the classroom. Find new favourites or use your existing tools even more effectively!

Manage your digital ecosystem

Administration of digital tools

Save administrative time and improve accessibility for teachers and students by bringing together and managing all your different digital tools in a single platform.

Endless possibilities

AI – for everyone in the classroom

AI, or artificial intelligence, has been one of the hottest talking points of the year. While the concept might now have reached the world of education as well, it can still be difficult for people to fully wrap their heads around. Is AI a new, powerful force that’s going to take over the world? Will we soon have robot teachers in our classrooms? Well, we don’t think so.

Learning with new insights

Tools for security and analytics

Unique functions that significantly improve the security of using digital tools and help schools comply with GDPR requirements.

Where your users already are


Ready-made integrations with Google, Microsoft, popular learning platforms, and SIS systems such as Arbor, SIMS, and Bromcom, aimed at making day-to-day tasks easier for teachers and pupils.

Security in the platform

How we work with GDPR, accessibility and privacy in the platform.

Skolon partner program

Become part of our library and join our community!

Do you want to find out more?

Get started with Skolon today!

Join hundreds of thousands of teachers and students, and get started with Skolon to bring all your digital tools and resources together in one place.