Tool packages in Skolon

Tool packages in Skolon
What’s new?
A long-awaited feature to more easily sell and distribute licenses for several tools at the same time. Suppliers can include several different tools in the same package. This is done directly from the partner portal and users can see these packages directly in Skolon’s library.
Why is this good?
You as a customer can make your purchases faster and smoother. The supplier has the opportunity to define different packages aimed at different target groups.
Who is affected?
Suppliers and users with access to Skolon’s library.
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Tool packages in Skolon
What’s new?
A long-awaited feature to more easily sell and distribute licenses for several tools at the same time. Suppliers can include several different tools in the same package. This is done directly from the partner portal and users can see these packages directly in Skolon’s library.
Why is this good?
You as a customer can make your purchases faster and smoother. The supplier has the opportunity to define different packages aimed at different target groups.
Who is affected?
Suppliers and users with access to Skolon’s library.
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