Better learning with advanced technology

Tools for security and analytics

Unique functions that significantly improve the security of using digital tools, get new insights based on data and help schools comply with GDPR requirements.

Learning with new insights

Data and complete statistics for every occasion

Skolon’s data visualisation tool automatically creates detailed reports on how different tools are used – for all providers and tools, all in one place. Clear graphical visualisations make it easy to follow the use of tools over time – from individual classes to multiple schools, all in a single view. This brings brand new opportunities for optimising training and analysing which tools can be used even more to reach their full potential.

Data visualisation

Get a complete overview of where your data is held

Skolon’s user-friendly data visualisation tool gives you a clear, complete picture of which users and which data has been synced to each tool and provider, giving the insights and control required by GDPR. This information is available at individual, class and school levels, and data transfer can also be stopped at the click of a button, whether for an individual user or with a provider.

Use all tools you want

Pseudonymize data transfers for higher security levels

Pseudonymization enables digital learning in a safe way, and allows school principals to live up to GDPR and Schrems II. It ensures that personal data in plain text is not transferred to third countries, and is therefore one of the options that the European Data Protection Board recommends.

By using pseudonymization, data stays with Skolon and the supplier concerned receives pseudonymised data that cannot be traced back to students or teachers. This means that with the help of Skolon, you can continue to use all your favorite providers of digital learning tools, regardless of where in the world they operate from.

A clear register function

Automated register function for data processing agreements

Thanks to an automatically generated overview of which providers are used, it’s easy to check that data processing agreement are held with all providers. A clear register function gives users all the information they need, all in one place.

Signed data processing agreements 80
Missing data processing agreements 60

Make purchases based on actual data

Effective decision-making support for purchases

Ready-made reports for tools that have been demo tested by teachers provide excellent decision-making support for future purchases. These reports are easy to export and use within the decision-making process.

Do you want to find out more?

Get started with Skolon today!

Join hundreds of thousands of teachers and students, and get started with Skolon to bring all your digital tools and resources together in one place.