Release notes Oktober 2024

Throughout October, our development team has been working with implementing a variety of updates to our platform. Below, you’ll find a selection of some of the new features and improvements released over the past month.
- Improvements of graphical user interface
- Minor improvements in distribute-license-pool
- Improvements of performance
More information or contact?
Questions or concerns about our any release notes? Contact us here.
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Throughout October, our development team has been working with implementing a variety of updates to our platform. Below, you’ll find a selection of some of the new features and improvements released over the past month.
- Improvements of graphical user interface
- Minor improvements in distribute-license-pool
- Improvements of performance
More information or contact?
Questions or concerns about our any release notes? Contact us here.
Dela detta inlägg?
Vill du ta del av våra senaste bloggartiklar direkt till din inkorg? Registrera dig nu!
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